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Rogue Planets: Not All Exoplanets Orbit Stars | Exoplanet Radio ep. 2

One of the most exciting recent discoveries in astronomy has been the existence of planets around ot ...View More

Kepler-22b: A Planet with a lot of Promise | Exoplanet Radio ep. 3

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Kepler-22b: An Exoplanet With a Lot of Promise | Exoplanet Radio

Today's episode contains a bonus Deep Astronomy video produced specially for this topic. Get all epi ...View More

Proxima Centauri-b: The Closest Exoplanet To Us | Exoplanet Radio ep. 7

Proxima Centauri-b is only 4.5 light years away and may be a good candidate for life. Listen and dow ...View More

How Long To Travel to The Closest Exoplanet Proxima Centauri b? | Exoplanet Radio ep 16

Throughout the course of this podcast, we've established the idea that there are a lot of exoplanets ...View More

TRAPPIST-1d: A World on the Edge of Life | Exoplanet Radio ep 20

TRAPPIST-1d is a rocky, Earth-like planet, meaning that it is roughly the same size and mass as our  ...View More

How Starshades Will Help Find New Worlds | Exoplanet Radio ep 28

A starshade is a large, deployable structure that looks a lot like a gigantic flower that blocks out ...View More

The First Hycean World? JWST Turns to K2-18 b | Exoplanet Radio ep 38

The James Webb Space Telescope has completed observations of an exoplanet that may contain an ocean- ...View More

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